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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8049376 Move user-editable configuration files to top-level conf directory
  3. JDK-8049375

Extend how the org.omg.CORBA.ORB handles the search for orb.properties


    • b157

        org.omg.CORBA.ORB specifies the search order to locate the ORB and this includes searching ${java.home/lib/orb.properties.

        This bug asks that the OMG specifications be checked to see if this is specified by OMG or whether this is just normative text in the Java SE specification. If this is not mandated by OMG then this bug asks that the reference be downgraded to non-normative or just removed.

        It would also be used to get some sense as to whether customers or developers create orb.properties in the lib directory. If this is common then it may be necessary to provided a supported means to do this by allowing the properties file to exist in the proposed top-level "conf" directory.

              msheppar Mark Sheppard
              alanb Alan Bateman
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              5 Start watching this issue
