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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8050033

(smartcardio) 7 JSCIO-TCK tests fail


      Testsuite name: JSCIO-TCK-1.0
      Test(s) name:

      Product(s) tested: jdk6u81b07, jdk7u80b01, jdk8u20b21

      OS/architecture: Linux, Windows

      Reproducible: Always, if the card reader driver is installed and the card reader is not attached
      Reproducible on machine: stt-133, fx-sqe17, and Win7 and Ubuntu laptops

      Is it a Regression: No

      Is it a platform specific issue: Not sure, these tests pass on MacOS X under the same conditions

      All tests fail with message like this:
        Failed. Unexpected CardException:javax.smartcardio.CardException: list() failed

      Test run log location:

      Steps to reproduce:
        - login on a host
        - install jdk
        - cd /net/stt-13.ru.oracle.com/export/home0/results/SmartCard/jdk1.8.0_20b21/linux-amd64/results_cardreader_not_available_test
        - sh jscio_tck.sh

            igerasim Ivan Gerasimov
            msolovie Maxim Soloviev (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
