The -XX:CompileCommand should be extended to support an option that forces the VM to always compile the specified method on first encounter. In contrast to -Xcomp in combination with -XX:CompileOnly this does not _only_ compile the method but compiles other methods as well.
CompilationPolicy::must_be_compiled(..) is probably a good entry point to figure out how to implement it.
CompilationPolicy::must_be_compiled(..) is probably a good entry point to figure out how to implement it.
- is blocked by
JDK-8055286 Extend CompileCommand=option to handle numeric parameters
- Resolved
- relates to
JDK-8059604 Add CompileThresholdScaling flag to control when methods are first compiled (with +/-TieredCompilation)
- Resolved
JDK-8059606 Enable per-method usage of CompileThresholdScaling (per-method compilation thresholds)
- Resolved
JDK-8046155 JEP 165: Compiler Control
- Closed