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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8057044

No checkbox 'Suppress sponsors offers when installing or updating Java' in 7u80 b02.


      Testsuite:JCP in common
      Test name(s):testUnsetSuppressSponsorOffers
      Product(s) tested:Jre7u80b02 64bit
      OS/architecture:Windows 7 SP1 x64

      Reproducible: Always
      Reproducible on machine:egtc

      Is it a Regression:Yes as it was passed in the last GAed release.
      (7u80b01 64bit+Windows 7 SP1 x64:Failed,there is no checkbox both 'Suppress sponsors offers when installing or updating Java' and 'install.disable.sponsor.offers')

      Test result on the last GAed release for this train:
      (7u67b31 64bit+Windows 7 SP1 x64:Pass)

      [if Fail] Test result on FCS:

      Is it a platform specific issue:Yes(This case is only tested on windows.)

      Exception/Error from Log:

      Copy JDF workspace,install test jre,and run this case
      Steps to reproduce:

          - Run this scenario as admin user
          - Make sure the checkbox 'Suppress sponsors offers when installing or updating Java' is CHECKED
      Test Procedure
      1.Install test JRE
      2.Invoke Java control panel and click 'Advanced' tab
      3.Under 'Miscellaneous' section, UNCHECK the box next to 'Suppress sponsors offers when installing or updating Java'
      4.Click 'OK' or 'Apply' and close the Java control panel
      5.Reopen Java control panel
      6.VERIFY the checkbox next to 'Suppress sponsors offers when installing or updating Java' is UNCHECKED
      7.VERIFY the expected ccorresponding sponsor offer indicator flag
      8.Mark the test PASS if the above verification are true

      Actual results:
      We can not find this checkbox 'Suppress sponsors offers when installing or updating Java' in 7u80 b02.Pleae refer to 1.jpg

      Affected tests:

        1. 1.jpg
          70 kB
          Michael Wang

            aivanov Alexey Ivanov
            michaelw Michael Wang (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
