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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8058313

Mismatch of method descriptor and MethodParameters.parameters_count should cause MalformedParameterException

        In case of mismatch of method descriptor and parameters_count MalformedParameterExeption is expected when reflection j.l.r.Executable.getParameters() is used.
        API spec says:

              "The following is a list of conditions under which this exception
        can be thrown:

          * The number of parameters (parameter_count) is wrong for the method"

        But in case of one parameter in the descriptor and zero parameters in the parameters_count of attribute, exception isn't thrown.

        The following test will fail due to this bug: vm/classfmt/atr/atrmtp002/atrmtp00201m1/atrmtp00201m1

        How to reproduce:
        1) Convert following .jcod to class file (both jcod and class files are attached)
        class javasoft/sqe/tests/vm/classfmt/atr/atrmtp002/atrmtp00201m1/atrmtp00201m11n {
          0; // minor version
          52; // version
          [] { // Constant Pool
            ; // first element is empty
            Method #4 #13; // #1
            Method #14 #15; // #2
            class #8; // #3
            class #16; // #4
            Utf8 "<init>"; // #5
            Utf8 "()V"; // #6
            Utf8 "Code"; // #7
            Utf8 "javasoft/sqe/tests/vm/classfmt/atr/atrmtp002/atrmtp00201m1/atrmtp00201m11n"; // #8
            Utf8 "(I)V"; // #9
            Utf8 "m"; // #10
            Utf8 "run"; // #11
            Utf8 "([Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/PrintStream;)I"; // #12
            NameAndType #5 #6; // #13
            class #17; // #14
            NameAndType #11 #12; // #15
            Utf8 "java/lang/Object"; // #16
            Utf8 "javasoft/sqe/tests/vm/classfmt/atr/atrmtp002/atrmtp00201m1/atrmtp00201m11nChecker"; // #17
            Utf8 "MethodParameters"; // #18
            Utf8 "p"; // #19
          } // Constant Pool

          0x0021; // access
          #3;// this_cpx
          #4;// super_cpx

          [] { // Interfaces
          } // Interfaces

          [] { // fields
          } // fields

          [] { // methods
            { // Member
              0x0001; // access
              #5; // name_cpx
              #6; // sig_cpx
              [] { // Attributes
                Attr(#7) { // Code
                  1; // max_stack
                  1; // max_locals
                  [] { // Traps
                  } // end Traps
                  [] { // Attributes
                  } // Attributes
                } // end Code
              } // Attributes
            } // Member
            { // Member
              0x0001; // access
              #10; // name_cpx
              #9; // sig_cpx
              [] { // Attributes
                Attr(#7) { // Code
                  0; // max_stack
                  2; // max_locals
                  [] { // Traps
                  } // end Traps
                  [] { // Attributes
                  } // Attributes
                } // end Code
                Attr(#18) { // MethodParameters
        /* right:
        end right */
        // wrong:
        // end wrong
                } // end MethodParameters
              } // Attributes
            } // Member
            { // Member
              0x0009; // access
              #11; // name_cpx
              #12; // sig_cpx
              [] { // Attributes
                Attr(#7) { // Code
                  2; // max_stack
                  2; // max_locals
                  [] { // Traps
                  } // end Traps
                  [] { // Attributes
                  } // Attributes
                } // end Code
              } // Attributes
            } // Member
          } // methods

          [] { // Attributes
          } // Attributes

        } // end class javasoft/sqe/tests/vm/classfmt/atr/atrmtp002/atrmtp00201m1/atrmtp00201m11n


        2) Get Method parameters of "m" method of this class

        Method m = Class.forName("\@(packageName).\@(bitest)")
                            .getDeclaredMethod("m", int.class);
        Parameter[] pars = m.getParameters();

          1. atrmtp00201m11n.class
            0.4 kB
            Konstantin Barzilovich
          2. atrmtp00201m11n.jcod
            3 kB
            Konstantin Barzilovich
          3. atrmtp00201m11nChecker.java
            1 kB
            Konstantin Barzilovich

              emc Eric Mccorkle
              kbarzilovich Konstantin Barzilovich (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
