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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8059215

metaspace/shrink_grow/ShrinkGrowMultiJVM times out


      Process 0 get ready to allocate more metaspace but then something happens and the test times out 30 minutes later:

      [2014-09-26T06:22:47.59] === process #0 started
      [2014-09-26T06:22:47.59] === process #1 started
      [2014-09-26T06:22:47.59] === process #2 started
      [2014-09-26T06:22:47.59] === process #3 started
      [2014-09-26T06:22:47.59] === process #4 started
      [2014-09-26T06:22:47.83] %jvm#0% eating metaspace
      [2014-09-26T06:22:47.85] %jvm#4% eating metaspace
      [2014-09-26T06:22:47.85] %jvm#1% eating metaspace
      [2014-09-26T06:22:47.86] %jvm#2% eating metaspace
      [2014-09-26T06:22:47.86] %jvm#3% eating metaspace
      [2014-09-26T06:22:56.68] %jvm#4% memory eaten, count 4418
      [2014-09-26T06:22:56.68] %jvm#4% trying to eat a little more
      [2014-09-26T06:22:57.07] %jvm#1% memory eaten, count 4418
      [2014-09-26T06:22:57.07] %jvm#1% trying to eat a little more
      [2014-09-26T06:22:57.10] %jvm#3% memory eaten, count 4426
      [2014-09-26T06:22:57.10] %jvm#3% trying to eat a little more
      [2014-09-26T06:22:57.12] %jvm#2% memory eaten, count 4426
      [2014-09-26T06:22:57.12] %jvm#2% trying to eat a little more
      [2014-09-26T06:22:57.45] %jvm#4% washing hands before meal
      [2014-09-26T06:22:57.58] %jvm#4% one more try to eat
      [2014-09-26T06:22:57.60] %jvm#4% passed
      [2014-09-26T06:22:57.64] Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM warning: Performance bug: SystemDictionary lookup_count=697550 lookup_length=17503424 average=25.092716 load=0.518335
      [2014-09-26T06:22:57.81] %jvm#1% washing hands before meal
      [2014-09-26T06:22:57.84] %jvm#3% washing hands before meal
      [2014-09-26T06:22:57.88] %jvm#2% washing hands before meal
      [2014-09-26T06:22:57.94] %jvm#1% one more try to eat
      [2014-09-26T06:22:57.95] %jvm#1% passed
      [2014-09-26T06:22:57.97] %jvm#3% one more try to eat
      [2014-09-26T06:22:57.98] %jvm#3% passed
      [2014-09-26T06:22:57.99] Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM warning: Performance bug: SystemDictionary lookup_count=697565 lookup_length=17481287 average=25.060442 load=0.518335
      [2014-09-26T06:22:58.00] %jvm#2% one more try to eat
      [2014-09-26T06:22:58.02] Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM warning: Performance bug: SystemDictionary lookup_count=698915 lookup_length=17600619 average=25.182775 load=0.518335
      [2014-09-26T06:22:58.02] %jvm#2% passed
      [2014-09-26T06:22:58.06] Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM warning: Performance bug: SystemDictionary lookup_count=698786 lookup_length=17530638 average=25.087277 load=0.518335
      [2014-09-26T06:23:00.32] %jvm#0% memory eaten, count 4426
      [2014-09-26T06:23:00.32] %jvm#0% trying to eat a little more
      [2014-09-26T06:23:05.37] %jvm#0% washing hands before meal
      [2014-09-26T06:53:35.44] # Test level exit status: 151

            Unassigned Unassigned
            jwilhelm Jesper Wilhelmsson
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
