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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8064685

[TEST_BUG] Test java/sql/TimeStamp/4953991/test.java fails for JDK 5u81b06 in Solaris


    • b01
    • b01
    • x86_64
    • solaris

        Testsuite name: j2se_java_rest
        Test name(s): java/sql/TimeStamp/4953991/test.java
        Product(s) tested: JDK 5u81b06
        OS/architecture: Solaris(x64)

        Reproducible: Always
        Reproducible on machine: spb23385.ru.oracle.com, spb23251.ru.oracle.com, spb23030.ru.oracle.com
        Test/Product bug : Test bug
        Is it a Regression: Yes( Test is passing for JDK 5u75b07 but failing for JDK 5u81b01 )
        Regression introduced in release/build: JDK 5u81b01
        Test result on the last GAed release for this train:
        Test result on FCS:
        Is it a platform specific issue: Yes (passing in Windows but failing in Solaris and Linux(spb23117.ru.oracle.com))

        Exception/Error from Log:
        java full version "1.5.0_81-b06"
        DISPLAY=spb23128.ru.oracle.com:0 \\
        GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=this-is-deprecated \\
        HOME=/export/home/gtee \\
        LANG=en_US.UTF-8 \\
        LC_ALL= \\
        PATH=/bin:/usr/bin \\
        TZ=localtime \\
        TESTSRC=/export/home/gtee/ws5u81b06/j2se/test/java/sql/TimeStamp/4953991 \\
        TESTSRCPATH=/export/home/gtee/ws5u81b06/j2se/test/java/sql/TimeStamp/4953991 \\
        TESTCLASSES=/net/stt-13.ru.oracle.com/export/stt/newroot/tmp/srini/Sol8u31b05_n/workDir/classes/java/sql/TimeStamp/4953991 \\
        TESTCLASSPATH=/net/stt-13.ru.oracle.com/export/stt/newroot/tmp/srini/Sol8u31b05_n/workDir/classes/java/sql/TimeStamp/4953991 \\
        COMPILEJAVA=/export/jdk/jdk1.5.0_81b06 \\
        TESTJAVA=/export/jdk/jdk1.5.0_81b06 \\
        'TESTVMOPTS=-Xmixed -server -d64' \\
        'TESTTOOLVMOPTS=-J-Xmixed -J-server -J-d64' \\
        TESTJAVAOPTS= \\
            sh \\
        result: Failed. Execution failed: exit code 1

        test result: Failed. Execution failed: exit code 1

        Test run log location:
        Steps to reproduce:
        1. login into spb23385.ru.oracle.com
        2. export TZ=Australia/Melbourne
        3. run /export/jdk/jdk1.5.0_81b06/bin/java -jar /export/home/gtee/jtreg/lib/jtreg.jar -timeout:3 -verbose -vmoptions:'-Xmixed -server -d64' -noreport -automatic -jdk:/export/jdk/jdk1.5.0_81b06 -r:/export/home/gtee/reportDir -w:/export/home/gtee/workDir -dir:/export/home/gtee/ws5u81b06/j2se/test java/sql/TimeStamp/4953991/test.java

              aefimov Aleksej Efimov
              sgupta Shobhit Gupta
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
