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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8066742

javax/swing/JInternalFrame/4251301/bug4251301.java:it fails automatically and throws sun.awt.SunToolkit$InfiniteLoop exception on terminal


      Testsuite name:Swing Regression
      Test name(s):javax/swing/JInternalFrame/4251301/bug4251301.java
      Product(s) tested:JDK 7u71 b14
      OS/architecture:SELS 12 x64

      Error log file : http://aurora.ru.oracle.com/slot-gw/651278.ManualSubmit-1/workDir/javax/swing/JInternalFrame/4251301/bug4251301.jtr

      Reproducible: Always
      Reproducible on machine: Evergreen-machine
      [If Sometimes] Also reproducible on machine:

      Is it a Regression: Yes
      [If Regression] Regression introduced in release/build: b01 (JDK 7u71 b14/SELS 12 x64: Fail)
      Test result on the last GAed release for this train: Pass (JDK 7u66 b17/SELS 12 x64: Pass)
      [if Fail] Test result on FCS:

      Is it a platform specific issue: Yes (JDK 7u71 b14/win7 sp1 x86: Pass
                                                             JDK 7u71 b14/mac 10.9 x64: Pass
                                                             JDK 7u71 b14/SELS 11 x64: Pass)
      [If platform specific issue] Is it a new (previously unsupported) OS/browser/mode testing: Yes
      [If new configuration testing] Issue specific to execution mode or OS/browser version:SELS 12 x64

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Download regression workspace from http://jre.us.oracle.com/java/re/jdk/7u71/promoted/fcs/b14/ws/jdk/test to /regression
      2. Install test bundle JDK7u71b14 (download from http://jre.us.oracle.com/java/re/jdk/7u71/promoted/fcs/b14/bundles/linux-x64/jdk-7u71-linux-x64.tar.gz) to /regression/jdk1.7.0_71
      3. Install stable JDK7u45b18 (download from http://jre.us.oracle.com/java/re/jdk/7u45/promoted/fcs/b18/bundles/linux-x64/jdk-7u45-linux-x64.tar.gz) to /regression/jdk1.7.0_45
      4. Download and unzip Jtreg from http://jre.us.oracle.com/java/re/jtreg/4.1/promoted/fcs/b08/bundles/jtreg_bin-4.1.zip locate at /regression/
      5. Create the script regression.sh as follows and run it
       export JT_JAVA=/regression/jdk1.7.0_45
       /regression/jtreg/linux/bin/jtreg -v -m -ignore:quiet -jdk:/regression/jdk1.7.0_71 -r:/regression/results/reportDir -w:/regression/results/workDir /regression/test/javax/swing/JInternalFrame/4251301/bug4251301.java

      Case Instruction:

      Click with your mouse the content area of the internal frame with the title "IFrame" and press Ctrl+Space.if the system menu shows up,press Esc.The system menu should hide.if you success then press "Pass",else press "Fail".

      Actual behavior:
       1. The case fails automatically and it throws sun.awt.SunToolkit$InfiniteLoop exception on terminal, refer to exception1.txt.
       2. We also tried this case with the same build without jtreg tool, it failed always like following :
         1)Using javac compile *.java file, it throw some warning,refer to log-JInternalFrame.txt
         2)The functional is passed but 'Pass' and 'fail' buttons don't work properly, when pressing 'pass' button it throws sun.awt.SunToolkit$OperationTimedOut exception on terminal;but when pressing 'fail' button it throws java.lang.RuntimeException exception on terminal, refer to exception2.txt.

        1. exception1.txt
          0.6 kB
        2. exception2.txt
          3 kB
        3. log-JInternalFrame.txt
          1 kB

            scfitch Stephen Fitch
            michaelw Michael Wang (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
