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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8067867

Subsume module java.xml.soap into module java.xml.ws


    • b46

        This issue tracks subsuming the proposed java.xml.soap module into the proposed java.xml.ws module (and dropping the java.xml.soap module).

        In implementation terms then this means:

        1. Move (hg mv) the sources that are in jaxws/src/java.xml.soap to jaxws/src/java.xml.ws

        2. Update modules.xml in the top-level repo to reflect the updated module graph. This means removing java.xml.soap, updating the definition of java.xml.ws to ensure that it has the expanded set of exports, and adjusting the qualified exports that the java.xml module currently has to export internal API packages to java.xml.soap.

        3. Dropping java.xml.soap from boot.modules.

              alanb Alan Bateman
              alanb Alan Bateman
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