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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8075487

[macosx] realSync() doesn't work properly on macosx


    • x86_64
    • os_x

      Testsuite name: Regression
      Test name(s): java/awt/Choice/ChoiceKeyEventReaction/ChoiceKeyEventReaction
      Product(s) tested: JDK 8u60b06(64-bit)
      OS/architecture: MacOSX/x64

      Error log file (if present): see comments

      Reproducible: Always
      Reproducible on machine: stt-mac-05.ru.oracle.com, stt-mac-02.ru.oracle.com

      Is it a Regression: No ( Fails for JDK 8u40b27, JDK 8u31b15, JDK 8u25b17 )
      Regression introduced in release/build: N/A
      Test result on the last GAed release for this train: Fail ( JDK 8u31b15 )
      Test result on FCS: Fail ( JDK 1.8.0 b132 )

      Is it a platform specific issue: Yes ( passing on Linux )
      [If platform specific issue] Is it a new (previously unsupported) OS/browser/mode testing: No
      [If new configuration testing] Issue specific to execution mode or OS/browser version: No

      Exception/Error from Log:
      java.lang.RuntimeException: Test failed. Exception thrown: java.lang.RuntimeException: Test failed. (XToolkit/MToolkit). KeyEvent was addressed to TextField.
      at ChoiceKeyEventReaction.start(ChoiceKeyEventReaction.java:87)
      at com.sun.javatest.regtest.AppletWrapper$AppletRunnable.run(AppletWrapper.java:158)
      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
      STATUS:Failed.Applet thread threw exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Test failed. Exception thrown: java.lang.RuntimeException: Test failed. (XToolkit/MToolkit). KeyEvent was addressed to TextField.

      Test run log location:
      Steps to reproduce: see comments

            serb Sergey Bylokhov
            sgupta Shobhit Gupta
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
