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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8079682

[mlvm] remove SAM code in MHTransformationGen


    • b06
    • generic
    • generic

      Early releases of java.lang.invoke package offered a method in MethodHandles class, which used to create a MethodHandle adapter for Single Abstract Method (SAM) interface. Later this functionality was removed from JDK (and a separate new concept, FunctionalInterface had been added to JDK8).

      MLVM method handle graph generator has code for the old SAM method adapter. This code is obsolete and can be removed.

      To find the obsolete code, look for USE_SAM constant in src/vm/mlvm/meth/share/MHTransformationGen.java. Code associated with it can be removed. Also src/vm/mlvm/meth/share/transform/v2/MHSamTF.java can be removed.

            jcbeyler Jean Christophe Beyler
            kshiroko Kirill Shirokov (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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