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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8087374

[Accessibility, Mac] Selection doesn't follow voiceover focus


      Reproducible: always
      Platform-specific: yes, MacOS specific for MacOS 10.9.5
      Is a regression: yes, works for
      Steps to reproduce:
      0. Turn on voiceover
      1. Download jar with accessibility test samples from https://wiki.se.oracle.com/download/attachments/46472587/Hello.jar
      2. Execute listview demo by java -cp Hello.jar hello.HelloListView
      3. Select list view and try to navigate using arrows
      Expected result: Selection follows voiceover focus
      Actual result: Voiceover focus is moved with arrows, but selection doesn't.

      Same problem for editable combobox (hello.HelloComboBox), datepicker (hello.HelloDatePicker)
      When component is deselected and selected, text is voiced normally.

      Looks like that is version-specific bug, was unable to reproduce on previous mac version.

            arapte Ambarish Rapte
            arusakov Andrey Rusakov (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            11 Start watching this issue
