Resolution: Unresolved
There is -28% (-26.72 fps) performance regression in Controls.RadioButton observed on WindowsXP machine which
has "Nvidia FX 570". The issue is easy reproduced. JPA profile shows the time spent in NGRegion.renderContent has been
significantly increased (from 6 sec to 15.8 sec, total benchmark execution time was 30 sec).
Note, the issue is not reproduced on Win7-High-End machines which have "AMD Radeon HD 6770" as well as on my
Windows laptop which has Intel HD Graphics-4000. So, perhaps the issue is GPU specific.
8.0-graphics-scrum-2099 has the following related changes:
- RT-34523: Printing: When turning on button "style", the printed page is blank
Reviewed-by: fheidric — prr / detail
- FixRT-28691: Region corners wrong when corner radii overflow width or height
Reviewed by: Felipe, David Grieve — flar / detail
Steps to run Controls.ListView-Keyboard
> cd JFX_WS/tests/performance/Controls/
> ant
> java -Djavafx.animation.fullspeed=true
-cp "JFX_HOME/rt/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar;./dist/Controls.jar;../FXBenchmark/dist/FXBenchmark.jar;../../../import/benchmarks-2.1.1/benchmarks-2.1.1.jar"
jrockit.bm.Main controls.bm.RadioButtonBenchmark -i 1 -wt 0 -tr 60 -toggleStep 300
has "Nvidia FX 570". The issue is easy reproduced. JPA profile shows the time spent in NGRegion.renderContent has been
significantly increased (from 6 sec to 15.8 sec, total benchmark execution time was 30 sec).
Note, the issue is not reproduced on Win7-High-End machines which have "AMD Radeon HD 6770" as well as on my
Windows laptop which has Intel HD Graphics-4000. So, perhaps the issue is GPU specific.
8.0-graphics-scrum-2099 has the following related changes:
- RT-34523: Printing: When turning on button "style", the printed page is blank
Reviewed-by: fheidric — prr / detail
- Fix
Reviewed by: Felipe, David Grieve — flar / detail
Steps to run Controls.ListView-Keyboard
> cd JFX_WS/tests/performance/Controls/
> ant
> java -Djavafx.animation.fullspeed=true
-cp "JFX_HOME/rt/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar;./dist/Controls.jar;../FXBenchmark/dist/FXBenchmark.jar;../../../import/benchmarks-2.1.1/benchmarks-2.1.1.jar"
jrockit.bm.Main controls.bm.RadioButtonBenchmark -i 1 -wt 0 -tr 60 -toggleStep 300
- relates to
JDK-8115394 REGRESSION: Region rounded corners wrong when radius*2 > height or width
- Resolved