Resolution: Unresolved
8u20, 9, 10
javafx8u20b14 + jdk8u20b14 64bit + windows7 x64
Component: ControlsTests manual
Build: javafx8u20b14
PlatForm: windows7 x64
Steps(the test case is javafx/scene/control/test/manual/ColorPickerTestManual.java):
1.Click on ColorPicker button.
2.Click on "Custom color..." hyperlink. Now, we can see "Custom colors ..." dialog. It is OK.
3.Having selected each of 3 tabs : "Web", "HSB", "RGB".
4.Try to resize dialog. Resize the The "Custom colors ..." dialog to be fully compressed, and very extended.
The actual result: The "Custom colors ..." dialog can not be resized.
Previous result:
javafx8u11b04 + windows7 x64 + jdk8u11b04 x64: PASS
Build: javafx8u20b14
PlatForm: windows7 x64
Steps(the test case is javafx/scene/control/test/manual/ColorPickerTestManual.java):
1.Click on ColorPicker button.
2.Click on "Custom color..." hyperlink. Now, we can see "Custom colors ..." dialog. It is OK.
3.Having selected each of 3 tabs : "Web", "HSB", "RGB".
4.Try to resize dialog. Resize the The "Custom colors ..." dialog to be fully compressed, and very extended.
The actual result: The "Custom colors ..." dialog can not be resized.
Previous result:
javafx8u11b04 + windows7 x64 + jdk8u11b04 x64: PASS