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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8089153

[Accessibility, JAWS, Narrator, HelloComboBox] When tabbing through many ComboBoxes, Narrator says "editable text" for all of them, JAWS says it for none.


      When using the TAB key in the HelloComboBox Sample to change focus from ComboBox to ComboBox:

      Narrator will include the phrase "editable text" with the other spoken info, for ALL ComboBoxes (even non-editable ones).
      JAWS will NOT include the phrase "editable text" with the other spoken info, for ANY ComboBoxes (even editable ones).

      RULE tests/jaws/ComboBox any any
      RULE tests/narrator/ComboBox any any

      See Keyboard Spec:
      https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/OpenJFX/Keyboard+Navigation under "ComboBox ".

      Download jar with accessibility test samples from https://wiki.se.oracle.com/download/attachments/46472587/Hello.jar
      The HelloComboBox Sample is run from Hello.jar as follows:
      java -cp Hello.jar hello.HelloComboBox

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