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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8090417

maxLength in Texts Controls


      There was a feature like this, but it seems that it was talked about.

      this feature would be very interesting in the TextField, and TextArea PasswordField.

      Example: If max = 15, both the user input as the developer would be limited (truncated) to 15 characters.

      In the textfield putting a method for filtering methods in this property (replaceText (int start, int end, String text) and ReplaceSelection (String text)).
      This method would be something like:

      private String checkMaxLen(String newString, int start, int end) {
            if( getLenght() >= getMaxLenght()) return null;

            int newLen = getLenght() + (end - start);
            if(newLen <= getMaxLenght()) return newString;
            String filteredNewString = newString.subString(0, getMaxLenght() - getLenght());
            return filteredNewString;

      Although version 2.1 is closed, I think it is something very simple, very helpful for everyone.

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            gstiwesjfx giovanni stiwes (Inactive)
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