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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8090739

Priority should implement Comparable


      javafx.scene.layout.Priority should implement Comparable to make it easier to work with multiple nodes that have different Priorities. This would allow the following code to work:
      Sequences.min(for (child in children) XContainer.getNodeHGrow(child));

      Here is a sample PriorityComparator that satisfies this requirement, and may be useful as a default implementation:
      public class PriorityComparator implements Comparator<Priority> {
          public int compare(Priority p1, Priority p2) {
              int p1int = convertToInt(p1);
              int p2int = convertToInt(p2);
              return p1int - p2int;
          private int convertToInt(Priority p) {
              return p == Priority.ALWAYS ? 2 :
                  p == Priority.SOMETIMES ? 1 : 0;

      And of course a test case (written in JavaFX using JFXtras Test):
      public class PriorityComparatorTest extends Test {}

      public function run() {
          perform("PriorityComparator should find", [
              for (p in Priority.values()) {
                  Test {
                      say: "{p} == {p}"
                      do: function() {PriorityComparator {}.compare(p, p)}
                      expect: equalTo(0)
              for (p in Priority.values() where p != Priority.NEVER) {
                  Test {
                      say: "NEVER < {p}"
                      do: function() {PriorityComparator {}.compare(Priority.NEVER, p)}
                      expect: lessThan(0)
              for (p in Priority.values() where p != Priority.ALWAYS) {
                  Test {
                      say: "ALWAYS > {p}"
                      do: function() {PriorityComparator {}.compare(Priority.ALWAYS, p)}
                      expect: greaterThan(0)

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