Typically users do expect to get Strings left-aligned, Integers right-aligned, and possibly BigDecimals aligned to a staticdecimal point position. It is rather tedious to program this each time again in all applications. It would be a great solution if a futuere version of JavaFX provides support for this by a combination of two small enhancements:
* Controls assign an additional, static style class identifying the class of the rendered item. For example, a TableView would assign the additional class "itemClass-MySalariesRow" to each TableRow instance and "itemClass-Double" to the TableCell rendering the salary. (This feature could be omitted in case JavaFX learns to handle "[itemClass=...]" attribute CSS selectors).
* modena.css provides "-fx-baseline-right;" to .itemClassInteger etc. providing useful and typical alignment defaults.
This combination of tweaks would make TableView etc. much more convenient to use in typical business applications! :-)
* Controls assign an additional, static style class identifying the class of the rendered item. For example, a TableView would assign the additional class "itemClass-MySalariesRow" to each TableRow instance and "itemClass-Double" to the TableCell rendering the salary. (This feature could be omitted in case JavaFX learns to handle "[itemClass=...]" attribute CSS selectors).
* modena.css provides "-fx-baseline-right;" to .itemClassInteger etc. providing useful and typical alignment defaults.
This combination of tweaks would make TableView etc. much more convenient to use in typical business applications! :-)