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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8091932

Option to make ListCell / TreeCell limited to width of view


      I would like to see it possible to limit the width of a cell to be restricted to the width of the view it is displayed in. In other words, no horizontal scrollbar on the List- or TreeView should be necessary as the Cell will be sized to fit.

      My use case is with large pieces of text that I would like to see wrapped or cut-off (with ellipsis) instead of making the cell wider than would look good (when a cell is styled or is showing multiple pieces of information, having its width exceed the width of the container will never look very good).

      I donot see any way of doing this in JavaFX currently. Restricted the width one self is hard due to it not being possible to find out the width of borders, padding and the (vertical) scrollbar of the container.

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            jhendrikx John Hendrikx
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