my expectations are that getRow returns a non-negative index if contained in the expandedDescendants of the root, or -1 if not. Something like:
if (tree.getRow(item) > -1) {
assertTrue(tree.getRow(item) < tree.getExpandedItemCount();
Implying that the method is kind-of invers of getTreeItem, such that:
int row = tree.getRow(item);
if (row > -1) {
assertSame(item, tree.getTreeItem(row));
Actual behaviour seems to be to return the row where it would be if its parent were expanded . While not entirely certain if my expectations are correct (doc is a bit vague), can't think of a use-case where the actual behaviour would be useful. Or the other way round: if this is the intended behaviour, the api is incomplete, as we need some means to convert between tree row coordinates (== rows that can be selected) and the tree structure.
Test snippets (complete test at:
public void testRowLessThanExpandedItemCount() {
TreeItem child = createSubTree("child");
TreeItem grandChild = (TreeItem) child.getChildren().get(rawItems.size() - 1);
assertTrue("row of item must be less than expandedItemCount, but was: " + tree.getRow(grandChild),
tree.getRow(grandChild) < tree.getExpandedItemCount());
public void testRowOfGrandChildInCollapsedChild() {
// create a collapsed new child to insert into the root
TreeItem newChild = createSubTree("added-child");
TreeItem grandChild = (TreeItem) newChild.getChildren().get(2);
root.getChildren().add(6, newChild);
// query the row of a grand-child
int row = tree.getRow(grandChild);
// grandChild not visible, row coordinate in tree is not available
assertEquals("grandChild not visible", -1, row);
// the other way round: if we get a row, expect the item at the row be the grandChild
assertEquals(grandChild, tree.getTreeItem(row));
if (tree.getRow(item) > -1) {
assertTrue(tree.getRow(item) < tree.getExpandedItemCount();
Implying that the method is kind-of invers of getTreeItem, such that:
int row = tree.getRow(item);
if (row > -1) {
assertSame(item, tree.getTreeItem(row));
Actual behaviour seems to be to return the row where it would be if its parent were expanded . While not entirely certain if my expectations are correct (doc is a bit vague), can't think of a use-case where the actual behaviour would be useful. Or the other way round: if this is the intended behaviour, the api is incomplete, as we need some means to convert between tree row coordinates (== rows that can be selected) and the tree structure.
Test snippets (complete test at:
public void testRowLessThanExpandedItemCount() {
TreeItem child = createSubTree("child");
TreeItem grandChild = (TreeItem) child.getChildren().get(rawItems.size() - 1);
assertTrue("row of item must be less than expandedItemCount, but was: " + tree.getRow(grandChild),
tree.getRow(grandChild) < tree.getExpandedItemCount());
public void testRowOfGrandChildInCollapsedChild() {
// create a collapsed new child to insert into the root
TreeItem newChild = createSubTree("added-child");
TreeItem grandChild = (TreeItem) newChild.getChildren().get(2);
root.getChildren().add(6, newChild);
// query the row of a grand-child
int row = tree.getRow(grandChild);
// grandChild not visible, row coordinate in tree is not available
assertEquals("grandChild not visible", -1, row);
// the other way round: if we get a row, expect the item at the row be the grandChild
assertEquals(grandChild, tree.getTreeItem(row));