Run HelloTreeTableView, Filesystem Browser opens.
Pick a row which represents a directory, click on the first letter of the Last Modified cell.
The node expands as if the turner icon was clicked.
Additionally, if tree column is any other than Name, the turner icon stops working at all.
Also double clicking on any cell, not only in the first column, expands a node.
The UX documentation states that "Nodes can be opened by clicking on the "turner" icons or by double clicking the node name".
Also the Filesystem browser in this sample shows the file size in bytes, but adds "KB" suffix.
And the selection mode set by default is multiple cell, but the combobox shows single cell.
Pick a row which represents a directory, click on the first letter of the Last Modified cell.
The node expands as if the turner icon was clicked.
Additionally, if tree column is any other than Name, the turner icon stops working at all.
Also double clicking on any cell, not only in the first column, expands a node.
The UX documentation states that "Nodes can be opened by clicking on the "turner" icons or by double clicking the node name".
Also the Filesystem browser in this sample shows the file size in bytes, but adds "KB" suffix.
And the selection mode set by default is multiple cell, but the combobox shows single cell.