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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8094725

Mac OS 10.9.3 Java FX launcher has a default value of 1024m


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Not an Issue
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • 8u40
    • 8u5
    • deploy
    • JDK 8 Update 05, Mac OS 10.9.3

      When generating .app bundle using JavaFX ANT tools I noticed when I run my app that there's an -Xmx1024 added (I see that using jvisualvm) and I have no idea where this is coming from.
      My app ID is bloom
      In ~/Library/Preferences and /Library/Preferences, I don't have any bloom.plist file, I also checked any starting with ca.antaki*
      Here's fx:deploy params:
      <fx:deploy verbose="true" width="800" height="600" outdir="distfx" outfile="Bloom" nativeBundles="all"><!--all -->
      <fx:info title="Bloom" />
      <fx:application id="Bloom" toolkit="swing" name="Bloom" mainClass="ca.antaki.www.bloom.app.Bloom" />
      <fx:platform javafx="8.0+" ><!--basedir="" -->
      <fx:jvmuserarg name="-Xmx" value="512m" />
      <fx:jvmuserarg name="-Xms" value="512m" />
      <fx:jvmarg value="-Xmx2048m" />
      <fx:jvmarg value="-client" />
      <fx:jvmarg value="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"/>

      <fx:fileset dir="distfx" includes="*.jar" excludes="jfxrt.jar" />
      <fx:fileset dir="lib" includes="*.jar" excludes="jfxrt.jar" />

      This ANT generates the following plist:

      <?xml version="1.0" ?>
      <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
      <plist version="1.0">
        <!-- See http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#releasenotes/General/SubmittingToMacAppStore/_index.html
             for list of AppStore categories -->
        <string>EmailAddress.jar bcprov-jdk16-145.jar commons-codec-1.6.jar commons-httpclient-3.1.jar commons-lang-2.5.jar commons-logging-1.1.1.jar eventbus-1.4.jar glazedlists_java15-1.9.0.jar jai_imageio.jar jgoodies-binding-2.10.0.jar jgoodies-common-1.8.0.jar jgoodies-forms-1.8.0.jar jgoodies-validation-2.5.0.jar jhbasic.jar json_simple.jar log4j-1.2.17.jar metadata-extractor-2.6.4.jar restfb-1.6.11.jar scribe-1.3.5.jar slf4j-api-1.7.5.jar slf4j-simple-1.7.5.jar swingx-all-1.6.4.jar xmpcore.jar</string>

      When I run my app, I see the following in jvisualvm:

      Basically the Xmx2048m value that I provided is overwritten with Xmx1024m. If I try to put -Xms2048m the VM won't start.
      If I double click on my main executable JAR Xmx=1.8G

      When I run my app through eclipse and provide -Xmx2048m this work fine.

      I looked at the objective C launcher https://bitbucket.org/openjfxmirrors/openjfx-8-master-rt/src/b8d829dbef439f3ca2c307d6dbcced263e3f4193/deploy/packager/native/macosx/main.m?at=default but couldn't find anything useful.

      Can you please tell me why I'm getting -Xmx1024m or point me to the code responsible for that.
      Thanks for your help.

            shemnon Danno Ferrin (Inactive)
            cantakijfx Carl Antaki (Inactive)
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