Run HelloSanity with the following arguments:
java -Dprism.fontdir=/opt/fonts -Djavafx.platform=eglfb -Dcom.sun.javafx.touch=true -cp armv6hf/sdk/rt/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar:armv6hf/toys/Hello/dist/Hello.jar hello.HelloSanity
Go to Tab and Menus -> second-to-last Combobox has a menu with scrollbar. Try to scroll it - something gets selected instead.
I didn't test this before, I did just a normal selection, so it might not be a regression.
java -Dprism.fontdir=/opt/fonts -Djavafx.platform=eglfb -Dcom.sun.javafx.touch=true -cp armv6hf/sdk/rt/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar:armv6hf/toys/Hello/dist/Hello.jar hello.HelloSanity
Go to Tab and Menus -> second-to-last Combobox has a menu with scrollbar. Try to scroll it - something gets selected instead.
I didn't test this before, I did just a normal selection, so it might not be a regression.