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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8096827

removing font causes fxml file to break


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: P2 P2
    • 8u40
    • 8
    • javafx
    • None

      I just downloaded SceneBuilder 2.0 and wanted to remove something from a file I created in about Nov-Dec of last year. I was removing the center portion of my BorderPane and my scene broke. It would throw the 2 pictures I had to the top left, and all of my components gone.

      I tracked it down to a label with a font

       <Label layoutX="21.0" layoutY="240.0" prefHeight="18.0" prefWidth="246.0" text="First Impressions:" underline="true">
                      <Font name="System Bold" size="20.0" fx:id="x1" />

      if I remove this it will crash. If I exit scenebuilder and try to remove it manually via Netbeans and then restart SceneBuilder I get a "main class exception."... Weird....

            eleponn Eric Le Ponner
            jorsawjfx Jay Orsaw (Inactive)
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            2 Start watching this issue
