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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8097356

ListView: selectedIndices/selectedItems fire invalid list change on clearAndSelect


      ListChangeEvent.Change is documented to:

      " The Change may consist of one or more actual changes and must be iterated by next() method. Each change must be one of the following: [wasPremutated, wasAdded, wasRemoved, wasUpdated]"

      ListView's (probably similar for the other controls with MultipleSelectionModel, suspect the origin being in MultipleSelectionModelBase, didn't dig, though) selectedIndices/selectedItems violate that condition by having a change where all types queries return false (see failing test below).

      This might be introduced by the fix to RT-37360 (at least that's where I saw one of my tests failling, which expected a single removed in the list change)

           * ClearAndSelect fires invalid change event if selectedIndex is unchanged.
          public void testChangeEventSelectedIndicesOnClearAndSelect() {
              if (!multipleMode) return;
              // init with multiple selection
              int start = 3;
              int end = 5;
              getSelectionModel().selectRange(start, end);
              int selected = getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex();
              ListChangeReport report = new ListChangeReport(getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndices());
              assertEquals("sanity: selectedIndex unchanged", selected, getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex());
              assertEquals("single event on clearAndSelect already selected", 1, report.getEventCount());
              Change c = report.getLastChange();
              while(c.next()) {
                  boolean type = c.wasAdded() || c.wasRemoved() || c.wasPermutated() || c.wasUpdated();
                  assertTrue("at least one of the change types must be true", type);

            jgiles Jonathan Giles
            fastegal Jeanette Winzenburg
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