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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8098245

Packager API: provide an access to Mac categories


      > In the context of an IDE integration I need to list the values I read in the packager code of MacAppBundler.getMacCategories() so that the user can select which one he wants.
      > How would you do that ? The method is private.

      Quoting Danno:

      "Wow, looking at the code I can see that it has major issues now. (I didn’t write it). I would think since com.oracle.tools.packager.mac.MacAppBundler#MAC_CATEGORY is an EnumeratedBundlerParam I could query it there. You can get the pretty values, but not the machine coded values, and it does no mapping for you. I need to fix that in 8u40.

      There is a second problem in that Apple can arbitrarily change the values, like they are going to do when Yosemite is released. The good news is it will just be adding more values, the bad news is the validation is not automatic.

      The list apple accepts is here: https://developer.apple.com/library/Mac/releasenotes/General/SubmittingToMacAppStore/#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010572-CH16-SW8"

            dcherepanov Dmitry Cherepanov
            yjoan Yves Joan (Inactive)
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            4 Start watching this issue
