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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8098870

Code's access to instances of javafx.scene.paint.Color can be finer gained


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Icon: P4 P4
    • None
    • None
    • javafx

      Feature wanted 1

      Hello to the Team,

      Code's access to instances of javafx.scene.paint.Color can be finer gained for the "next version" of platform implementation.
      So coding JFX applications, requiring random selection of these instances (for example to fill shapes, created in a loop) will be easier and leads to a better use the resources of native system.

      I think it will be enough to add a "var Integer variable" to the definition of Color.fx, beginning with 0, which is also the default value for variables of this JFX Type. (It also corresponds directly to the Java language Integer, if I'm right).
      The instances with id of 0 to 15 represent the "main colors".
      The instances with id of 16 to 31 represent other colors belonging to the respective spectrum of "main colors". Aslo mapping in a way, that developers can easily detect the pattern (or logic), reflecting "How Integers are mapped to the Colors".

      .... so the Colors are better organized. This brings some benefits in some situations to developers, working on lower level application-frameworks for Java FX platform.


            kcr Kevin Rushforth
            duke J. Duke
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