There is no universal method that allows us to get the Node object that is used to display a javafx.scene.control.ListView control's item. This will be a very useful feature for GUI automated testing tools.
For example:
public getItemNode(itemIndex: Integer) : javafx.scene.Node
Unfortunately, most logic that stands for such actions is hidden inside the Skin object whose interface is not documented. Using some undocumented abilities of com.sun.javafx.scene.control.caspian.ListViewSkin, we could get necessary information for this standard skin. However, this solution is not a universal one because the standard set of skins can be enlarged. Also, this solution is not a stable one because it uses undocumented abilities.
For example:
public getItemNode(itemIndex: Integer) : javafx.scene.Node
Unfortunately, most logic that stands for such actions is hidden inside the Skin object whose interface is not documented. Using some undocumented abilities of com.sun.javafx.scene.control.caspian.ListViewSkin, we could get necessary information for this standard skin. However, this solution is not a universal one because the standard set of skins can be enlarged. Also, this solution is not a stable one because it uses undocumented abilities.