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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8101209

enable Mnemonics.




      Mnemonics Summary.
       . add a MnemonicParsing property to enable/disable text parsing
       . mnemonics will be added/removed based on text parsing,
       . the MnemonicsParsing property will be in the following controls :
           . setMnemonicParsing() to enable/disable parsing
           . automatic text parsing for mnemonics is OFF by default
           . LabelFor only sets the target Control, doesn't enable mnemonic parsing.
          MenuItem Menu Button CheckBox ToggleButton MenuButton SplitMenuButton
           . setMnemonicParsing() to enable/disable parsing
           . automatic text parsing for mnemonics ON by default
          . setMnemonicParsing() to enable/disable parsing
          . automatic text parsing for mnemonics OFF by default
       . No mnemonics on mac, but the api will still be present.
       . the Mnemonic parsing char is '_'
       . the Skin only underlines mnemonic char if modifier key is held down.
       . dependency on RT-13521, to determine the Modifier key

      Mnemonics Details
      Mnemonics will be added based on the results of
      parsing the text label associated with the Control.
      Parsing will default to OFF, for most Labels, but will
      be ON for Buttons and Menus.
      When a mnemonic is detected the key combination will
      be determined, and the mnemonic added.

      The LabelFor property will *NOT* trigger mnemonic parsing
      on a label, and is solely for the purpose of setting the control.

      Risks : medium, the code is self contained, and the apis are already present.

      Add the property :
      + /**
      + * MnemonicParsing property to enable/disable text parsing
      + * the defaut value for Label is false.
      + */
      + private javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty mnemonicParsing;
      + public final void setMnemonicParsing(boolean value) {
      + mnemonicParsingProperty().set(value);
      + }
      + public final boolean isMnemonicParsing() {
      + return mnemonicParsing == null ? false : mnemonicParsing.get();
      + }
      + public javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty mnemonicParsingProperty() {
      + if (mnemonicParsing == null) {
      + mnemonicParsing = new javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty();
      + }
      + return mnemonicParsing;
      + }




            miflemi Mick Fleming
            miflemi Mick Fleming
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