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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8101722

Pagination UI Control


      The pagination control is a intended to be used on devices with limited screen space. For requirement details, please see the UI spec, which can be found here: http://xdesign.us.oracle.com/projects/javaFX/fxcontrols-ue/specifications/pagination/pagination-UEspec-2-2.html

      The UI Controls team met on February 2, and discussed this control and what we believe the requirements are. The discussion centered around the following points:

       * Can be seen as a specialised TabPane-like control
       * Does not include support for virtualised controls such as ListView, TreeView and TableView (this would be handled internally by these controls themselves, however these controls may be placed inside a 'page' within the Pagination UI control).
       * Assumed no animation support for now.
       * Assumption is that this is a new control whose implementation may borrow a lot from TabPane (as the Pagination control is largely a differently-styled TabPane).
       * Open question around enabling the virtualisation of pages (that is, enabling the ability for what is displayed to the user to be handled without necessarily having to have separate in-memory 'pages').
       * Open question around the need for touch gestures such as swipe).

      Based on the UI controls team discussion, the 'planning poker' value for this feature was deemed to be 8.

            kwwong Kinsley Wong (Inactive)
            jgiles Jonathan Giles
            1 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
