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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8102088

canSkip property function


      Prior to JavaFX2.0 there was a canSkip property function that if I understand it correctly, allowed control over if keyframes are skipped or not.

      I can understand the desire to keep things in sync and running properly, even if renderer can not keep up. However, there are certain cases where the renderer is the priority and I need every frame to fire, even if it causes a delay or slow down in animation.

      I may not be experienced enough of a programmer to have thought of a more intelligent way to handle this, as I am sure there is a way.

      But perhaps add a function or property value to allow force sequential and every frame to render vs run at chosen duration, regardless of frames per second rendered.

            mheinrichs Michael Heinrichs (Inactive)
            agormanjfx Adam Gorman (Inactive)
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