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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8102424

Node Orientation - API issue: Is isAutomaticallyMirrored() named properly?


      >>> > The same applies to isAutomaticallyMirrored.
      >>> This is a mechanism that allows controls to opt out of mirroring. Conceptually, it should be "... set once in the constructor and never changed...". I am not particularly happy with this method. Do you have a better suggestion?
      >> I've just discussed it locally, there are other options but not particularly nice as well. Guys here also prefer your solution because there is no need to store the value. So I'm withdrawing my objections, however, we believe that the method
      >> - needs a better documentation that will state explicitly that it's supposed to return a constant
      >> - should be protected (is there any reason for it to be public?)
      >> - needs a name that doesn't start with "get" or "is"
      > I will update the documentation to be better. Can you show me other examples where the "get" and "is" are not used in FX where they might normally be used?

      For instance Point2D.magnitude() or Transform.determinant().

      This is for the compatibility with tools and IDEs that use the naming to determine if it is a property or not.

            leifs Leif Samuelsson (Inactive)
            snorthov Steve Northover (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
