The attached test is an applet version for B36. In both IE/FireFox, it didn't display anything and there wasn't any exceptions.
On the other hand, its standalone version worked fine. Its standalone version can be made by uncommenting the Frame{} block and commenting Stage{} block at the end of the file for B36.
[To Get Around]
In the attached applet version, if the last line, "conetent.t.start();" is commented and make the timeline start from the postinit block of Content class, then the applet works fine.
On the other hand, its standalone version worked fine. Its standalone version can be made by uncommenting the Frame{} block and commenting Stage{} block at the end of the file for B36.
[To Get Around]
In the attached applet version, if the last line, "conetent.t.start();" is commented and make the timeline start from the postinit block of Content class, then the applet works fine.