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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8104990

Problem when modifying a KeyFrame's duration at runtime


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: P4 P4
    • fx2.0
    • None
    • javafx

      - javafxgui workspace
      - sandbox/demotest/AnimationTest
      - run

      Press Start and immediately slide the Duration slider back and forth a few times. Wait for the animation to stop.

          The square should return back to its initial position
          The square returns to a different position.

      This is a regression. It doesn't seem to be the same issue as JFXC-1920 (since an older build without JFXC-1920 still showed a problem). But JFXC-1920 appears to make the problem worse.

      This issue does not occur with the preview release. Here's a version of the code ported to the preview release:

      package animationtest;

      import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
      import javafx.ext.swing.Slider;
      import javafx.ext.swing.Label;
      import javafx.ext.swing.CheckBox;
      import javafx.ext.swing.Canvas;
      import javafx.ext.swing.FlowPanel;
      import javafx.ext.swing.Button;
      import javafx.ext.swing.ToggleGroup;
      import javafx.ext.swing.RadioButton;
      import javafx.ext.swing.SwingFrame;
      import javafx.ext.swing.BorderPanel;
      import javafx.scene.geometry.Rectangle;
      import javafx.animation.Timeline;
      import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
      import javafx.animation.Interpolator;
      import javafx.lang.Duration;

      import java.lang.Object;
      import java.lang.System;

      var interpolate = Interpolator.LINEAR;

      var x = 0;
      var y = 0.0;
      var w = 50.0;
      var h = 50.0;
      var color = Color.LIME;
      var opacity = 1.0;

      var durSlider =
          Slider {
              minimum: 1400
              maximum: 3000
              value: 2000
      var dur = Duration { millis: bind durSlider.value }
      //var dur = bind Duration.valueOf(durSlider.value);
      var durLabel = Label { text: bind "Dur {dur.toMillis() as Integer}ms:" }

      var repSlider =
          Slider {
              minimum: 0
              maximum: 4
              value: 2
      var rep = bind repSlider.value;
      var repLabel = Label { text: bind "Repeat {rep}:" }

      var autoRevCheckBox =
          CheckBox {
              text: "Auto Reverse"
              selected: true

      var toggleCheckBox =
          CheckBox {
              text: "Toggle"
              selected: false

      var t = Timeline {
          repeatCount: bind rep
          autoReverse: bind autoRevCheckBox.selected
          toggle: bind toggleCheckBox.selected
          keyFrames: [
          KeyFrame {
              time: 0s
              values: x => 0
          KeyFrame {
              time: 700ms
              values: y => 0.0
              action: function() { System.err.println("Hello 1"); }
          KeyFrame {
              time: 800ms
              values: color => Color.LIME
          KeyFrame {
              time: 1s
              action: function() { System.err.println("Hello 2"); }
          KeyFrame {
              time: 1.8s
              values: color => Color.RED tween Interpolator.EASEBOTH
          KeyFrame {
              time: 1.1s
              timelines: [
              Timeline {
                  keyFrames: [
                  KeyFrame {
                      time: 0s
                      values: [
                          w => 50.0,
                          h => 50.0
                  KeyFrame {
                      time: 0.3s
                      values: [
                          w => 100.0 tween interpolate,
                          h => 80.0 tween interpolate
          KeyFrame {
              time: bind dur
              values: [
                  x => 400 tween interpolate,
                  y => 200.0 tween interpolate
              action: function() { System.err.println("Hello 3"); }

      var fader = Timeline {
          toggle: true
          keyFrames: [
          KeyFrame {
              time: 0ms
              values: opacity => 1.0
          KeyFrame {
              time: 250ms
              values: opacity => 0.4 tween Interpolator.LINEAR

      var canvas =
          Canvas {
              background: Color.WHITE
              Rectangle {
                  x: bind x
                  y: bind y
                  width: bind w
                  height: bind h
                  fill: bind color
                  opacity: bind opacity
                  onMouseEntered: function(e) { fader.start(); }
                  onMouseExited: function(e) { fader.start(); }

      var buttons =
          FlowPanel {
              content: [
                  Button {
                      text: "Start"
                      action: function():Void { t.start(); }
                  Button {
                      text: "Stop"
                      action: function():Void { t.stop(); }
                      enabled: bind t.running
                  Button {
                      text: "Pause"
                      action: function():Void { t.pause(); }
                      enabled: bind t.running and not t.paused
                  Button {
                      text: "Resume"
                      action: function():Void { t.resume(); }
                      enabled: bind t.running and t.paused

      var radios =
          FlowPanel {
              var group = ToggleGroup {}
              content: [
                  RadioButton {
                      selected: true
                      toggleGroup: group
                      text: "Linear"
                      action: function() { interpolate = Interpolator.LINEAR; }
                  RadioButton {
                      toggleGroup: group
                      text: "EaseBoth"
                      action: function() { interpolate = Interpolator.EASEBOTH; }
                  RadioButton {
                      toggleGroup: group
                      text: "EaseIn"
                      action: function() { interpolate = Interpolator.EASEIN; }

      var sliders = FlowPanel { content: [durLabel, durSlider, repLabel, repSlider] };

      SwingFrame {
          closeAction: function() {System.exit(0);}
          width: 600
          height: 500
          visible: true
          content: BorderPanel {
              center: canvas
              bottom: BorderPanel {
                  top: buttons
                  center: radios
                  bottom: sliders

            mheinrichs Michael Heinrichs (Inactive)
            shickeysunw Shannon Hickey (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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