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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8105657

REGRESSION: DropShadow Effect is not showing properly when it's offset's are changed.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: P2 P2
    • fx1.1
    • fx1.1
    • javafx
    • XP Home, 6u11 b04, FX1.1 b02

      When the offset's of the DropShadow is changed dynamically is not showing up properly. The shadow looks displaced and looks distorted. Please check out the screenshot for more info.

      - Run the attached test, after storing the dropshadow_effect.gif in the same dir.
      - Compile and Run the attached test
      - Change the X and Y offset values by changing the slider value.

      If you see the distortion of the shadow effect, then the bug is reproduced.

        1. dp_shadow_effect_11_b02.PNG
          86 kB
          Elancheran Subramanian
        2. dropshadow_effect.gif
          16 kB
          Elancheran Subramanian
        3. DropShadowTest.fx
          2 kB
          Elancheran Subramanian

            flar Jim Graham
            esubramasunw Elancheran Subramanian (Inactive)
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