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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8106066

CutePlayer2 full screen that worked for 1.0.1 doesn't work for Franca.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: P2 P2
    • fx1.1
    • fx1.1
    • javafx
    • None
    • franca-integration #202, Vista, 6u11

      CutePlayer2 has a full screen support that worked for 1.0.1.

      When CutePlayer2 is launched with Franca(#202), it displayed in a full screen but that's wrong and it shouldn't be. The mouse clicks(double clicks) for going back to the normal screen and buttons(for example the screen button) didn't work. No user interface worked.

      If I switch the window by pressing ALT+Tab, then it goes back to the normal screen and user interface worked.

      It created 2 java logo icons in the task bar. If I click the 1st one, it goes back to the initial status.... full screen and no user interface working.

      Full screen approach for 1.0.1 is broken in 1.1.

            morris Morris Meyer (Inactive)
            bkimsunw Bae-chul Kim (Inactive)
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