I build a javafx application with a custom font following these instructions: http://fxexperience.com/2010/05/how-to-embed-fonts/
And it works. Unless I try to run it as an applet, or as a web-start app. When I run it outside of netbeans it doesn't work, I don't get my custom font loaded, no errors or warnings. If I run the jnlp file outside with my older jdk it loads the font and works correctly.
My netbeans is using an older JDK 1.6.0_14, but my system default jre is 1.6.0_21-b07. When it works with web start, I get the sun-java splash screen, when it doesn't work I get the oracle-java splash screen.
And it works. Unless I try to run it as an applet, or as a web-start app. When I run it outside of netbeans it doesn't work, I don't get my custom font loaded, no errors or warnings. If I run the jnlp file outside with my older jdk it loads the font and works correctly.
My netbeans is using an older JDK 1.6.0_14, but my system default jre is 1.6.0_21-b07. When it works with web start, I get the sun-java splash screen, when it doesn't work I get the oracle-java splash screen.