Resolution: Fixed
Mac OS X 10.6.3
JavaFX 1.3-b29
Displaying BarChart sometimes (4 times in 20 tries) crashes with SoMa b29 on Mac. I am not able to reproduce it reliably, even with the same Chart. Happens with different BarCharts.
Configuration of one of the crashing Charts (resolution was 60, highest was 2491, maxviewer 35):
BarChart {
width: bind width
height: bind height
legendVisible: false;
categoryGap: 0;
barGap: 0;
data: barchartSeries
categoryAxis : CategoryAxis {
label: "seconds"
startMargin : 0;
endMargin : 0;
gapStartAndEnd : false;
categories: for(s in [0..highest step resolution]) {
"{s as Integer}"
axisStrokeWidth: 2;
//tickLabelsVisible: true;
tickLabelTickGap: 1;
tickMarkLength: 5;
tickMarkVisible: true;
valueAxis: NumberAxis{
lowerBound: 0;
upperBound : maxviewer;
tickUnit: if(maxviewer > 10) maxviewer / 10 as Integer else 1;
formatTickLabel: function(f) : String {
return "{f.intValue()}";
label: "viewers";
visible: true;
tickLabelsVisible: true;
Configuration of one of the crashing Charts (resolution was 60, highest was 2491, maxviewer 35):
BarChart {
width: bind width
height: bind height
legendVisible: false;
categoryGap: 0;
barGap: 0;
data: barchartSeries
categoryAxis : CategoryAxis {
label: "seconds"
startMargin : 0;
endMargin : 0;
gapStartAndEnd : false;
categories: for(s in [0..highest step resolution]) {
"{s as Integer}"
axisStrokeWidth: 2;
//tickLabelsVisible: true;
tickLabelTickGap: 1;
tickMarkLength: 5;
tickMarkVisible: true;
valueAxis: NumberAxis{
lowerBound: 0;
upperBound : maxviewer;
tickUnit: if(maxviewer > 10) maxviewer / 10 as Integer else 1;
formatTickLabel: function(f) : String {
return "{f.intValue()}";
label: "viewers";
visible: true;
tickLabelsVisible: true;