Run the attached test with soma b32.
Click on File Menu. It will show a long menu with selection somewhere around "File" Menu only (in my case it showed at MenuItem17 in my screen size). Start going up to menuitem16 15 etc using up arrow. Say the visible items are only upto MenuItem-4, after that there is an arrow so that we can see MenuItem-3, MenuItem-2, MenuItem-1 etc. If you click on that arrow using mouse you can see those remaining items.
But say we want to traverse using up arrow key only. Once we reach last visible item (MenuItem-4), it doesn't go further up. It generally starts back at one count less than previously selected item (in above case MenuItem-16, but this is not consistent.). The issue is when we reach last visible arrow in top or bottom of menu, navigation further using up or down arrow key is broken.
Click on File Menu. It will show a long menu with selection somewhere around "File" Menu only (in my case it showed at MenuItem17 in my screen size). Start going up to menuitem16 15 etc using up arrow. Say the visible items are only upto MenuItem-4, after that there is an arrow so that we can see MenuItem-3, MenuItem-2, MenuItem-1 etc. If you click on that arrow using mouse you can see those remaining items.
But say we want to traverse using up arrow key only. Once we reach last visible item (MenuItem-4), it doesn't go further up. It generally starts back at one count less than previously selected item (in above case MenuItem-16, but this is not consistent.). The issue is when we reach last visible arrow in top or bottom of menu, navigation further using up or down arrow key is broken.