I've a hand script font two show the effect: "Edwardian Script ITC" http://designgraphics.org/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=103
Labels and TextBoxes are styled with
-fx-font: 30pt "Edwardian Script ITC";
I align the label and textbox with baseline:
Label labelNode = new Label(label);
GridPane.setConstraints(labelNode, 0, row);
GridPane.setHalignment(labelNode, HPos.RIGHT);
GridPane.setValignment(labelNode, VPos.BASELINE);
TextBox textNode = new TextBox();
GridPane.setConstraints(textNode, 1, row);
GridPane.setHalignment(textNode, HPos.LEFT);
GridPane.setValignment(textNode, VPos.BASELINE);
GridPane.setHgrow(textNode, Priority.ALWAYS);
GridPane.setColumnSpan(textNode, 2);
In the attachment you can see the wrong baseline alignment.
Labels and TextBoxes are styled with
-fx-font: 30pt "Edwardian Script ITC";
I align the label and textbox with baseline:
Label labelNode = new Label(label);
GridPane.setConstraints(labelNode, 0, row);
GridPane.setHalignment(labelNode, HPos.RIGHT);
GridPane.setValignment(labelNode, VPos.BASELINE);
TextBox textNode = new TextBox();
GridPane.setConstraints(textNode, 1, row);
GridPane.setHalignment(textNode, HPos.LEFT);
GridPane.setValignment(textNode, VPos.BASELINE);
GridPane.setHgrow(textNode, Priority.ALWAYS);
GridPane.setColumnSpan(textNode, 2);
In the attachment you can see the wrong baseline alignment.