Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Try the attached nb project. Launch HelloLabelValuePane.
Resize the window to double its width, then click on the "Stroke Type" CheckBox. The TitledPanes width is ~half the size of the window, when it should fill it. Now resize again the window : the layout is ok : the TitledPane fill correctly the window.
After investigation, this is related to TitledPane prefWidth (which is not set btw). If we set the prefWidth to Long.MAX_VALUE, this workaround the issue. You can check this by uncommenting line 91 of
To me, prefWidth should not interfere in TitledPane Layout in this case.
Resize the window to double its width, then click on the "Stroke Type" CheckBox. The TitledPanes width is ~half the size of the window, when it should fill it. Now resize again the window : the layout is ok : the TitledPane fill correctly the window.
After investigation, this is related to TitledPane prefWidth (which is not set btw). If we set the prefWidth to Long.MAX_VALUE, this workaround the issue. You can check this by uncommenting line 91 of
To me, prefWidth should not interfere in TitledPane Layout in this case.