Currently PerspectiveCamera JavaDoc has only the following info:
"This camera defines a viewing volume for a perspective projection; a truncated right pyramid. The fieldOfView value can be used to change viewing volume. This camera is always located at center of the window and looks along the positive z-axis. The coordinate system defined by this camera has its origin in the upper left corner of the panel with the Y-axis pointing down and the Z axis pointing away from the viewer (into the screen). The units are in pixel coordinates at the projection plane (Z=0).
Specifies the vertical angle of the camera's projection."
It is not clear from the JavaDoc where exactly camera is positioned along Z axis and what will happen to objects at z=0 with the change of fieldOfView.
"This camera defines a viewing volume for a perspective projection; a truncated right pyramid. The fieldOfView value can be used to change viewing volume. This camera is always located at center of the window and looks along the positive z-axis. The coordinate system defined by this camera has its origin in the upper left corner of the panel with the Y-axis pointing down and the Z axis pointing away from the viewer (into the screen). The units are in pixel coordinates at the projection plane (Z=0).
Specifies the vertical angle of the camera's projection."
It is not clear from the JavaDoc where exactly camera is positioned along Z axis and what will happen to objects at z=0 with the change of fieldOfView.