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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8114018

Mac: Drag and Drop indicators not shown


      1) run toys/DragDropText
      2) Select text in the first fake text control
      3) Drag text to second fake control

      Notice that there is no indication that a drag and drop operation has started and the drag indicators don't change when "Alt (option)" is pressed. Also, the coordinate system is wrong (possibly in the event). You see the i-beam where the text is supposed to appear almost as soon as you start dragging towards the second fake text control.

      Mac applications are supposed to show an image during the drag. We could consider drawing a small rectangle just to give some indication that a drag has started until Fx adds API to support drag source images.

            gziemski Gerard Ziemski
            snorthov Steve Northover (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
