I have a little problem about the use of TablePosition for the TableView control.
I use a listener on tablePosition to get the selected rows. Here's the code:
ObservableList<TablePosition> tablePositions = getSelectionModel().getSelectedCells();
tablePositions.addListener(new ListChangeListener<TablePosition>(){
public void onChanged(Change<? extends TablePosition> change) {
ObservableList<? extends TablePosition> tablePositions = change.getList();
List<AccountLine> accountLines = new ArrayList<AccountLine>();
for (Iterator<? extends TablePosition> it = tablePositions.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
TablePosition tablePosition = it.next();
int row = tablePosition.getRow();
if ((getItems().size()>0) && (row<=getItems().size())){
AccountLine accountLine = getItems().get(row);
}else {
Log.getLogger().severe("Unable to get row for row " + row + " and items size()="+getItems().size());
After clearing the items of the tableView ( getItems().clear() ), I set items for tableView ( getItems().setAll(_items) ), it throws an exception 'cause of the row index which is -14 (see below).
My question is, why row index is -14. Normally if I clear the table, there will be no selection of rows, row index of table position must be -1 ?
[AccountTable$2:onChanged] FINE getItems().size()=1203,row=-14
ecomptes2.view.DialogView$1 handle
GRAVE: null
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -14
at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:324)
at com.sun.javafx.collections.ObservableListWrapper.get(Unknown Source)
at ecomptes2.control.AccountTable$2.onChanged(AccountTable.java:85)
I have a little problem about the use of TablePosition for the TableView control.
I use a listener on tablePosition to get the selected rows. Here's the code:
ObservableList<TablePosition> tablePositions = getSelectionModel().getSelectedCells();
tablePositions.addListener(new ListChangeListener<TablePosition>(){
public void onChanged(Change<? extends TablePosition> change) {
ObservableList<? extends TablePosition> tablePositions = change.getList();
List<AccountLine> accountLines = new ArrayList<AccountLine>();
for (Iterator<? extends TablePosition> it = tablePositions.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
TablePosition tablePosition = it.next();
int row = tablePosition.getRow();
if ((getItems().size()>0) && (row<=getItems().size())){
AccountLine accountLine = getItems().get(row);
}else {
Log.getLogger().severe("Unable to get row for row " + row + " and items size()="+getItems().size());
After clearing the items of the tableView ( getItems().clear() ), I set items for tableView ( getItems().setAll(_items) ), it throws an exception 'cause of the row index which is -14 (see below).
My question is, why row index is -14. Normally if I clear the table, there will be no selection of rows, row index of table position must be -1 ?
[AccountTable$2:onChanged] FINE getItems().size()=1203,row=-14
ecomptes2.view.DialogView$1 handle
GRAVE: null
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -14
at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:324)
at com.sun.javafx.collections.ObservableListWrapper.get(Unknown Source)
at ecomptes2.control.AccountTable$2.onChanged(AccountTable.java:85)