Compile are run the attached code (sorry, it's as concise as I could make it):
This code produces a TableView<Integer> with 4 columns that all simply display the Integer item for their row. 3 of the 4 columns start out hidden (visible==false), but when you hold down control and click anywhere on the table, those hidden columns become visible.
To see the bug:
1) Run the code I've provided. DO NOT resize the Stage.
2) Hold down control and click on the column header for column 1. This toggles the sort on that column, but also has the side effect of calling setVisible(true) on the other columns.
3) Now resize the stage's width that so you can clearly see all the columns.
4) Scroll slowly up and down through the rows, by dragging the scrollbar or using the scrollwheel.
5) Watch closely, you can see that periodically, some cells in columns 2, 3 and 4 are empty. They sometimes become filled while other cells become empty, too, depending on how you scroll.
These cells should all be filled; each row should contain the same Integer values in each cell.
To see the correct behaviour, perform step 3 before your perform step 2, i.e. make the stage wide enough for all of the columns BEFORE the columns are setVisible(true). Then the bug doesn't happen.
This code produces a TableView<Integer> with 4 columns that all simply display the Integer item for their row. 3 of the 4 columns start out hidden (visible==false), but when you hold down control and click anywhere on the table, those hidden columns become visible.
To see the bug:
1) Run the code I've provided. DO NOT resize the Stage.
2) Hold down control and click on the column header for column 1. This toggles the sort on that column, but also has the side effect of calling setVisible(true) on the other columns.
3) Now resize the stage's width that so you can clearly see all the columns.
4) Scroll slowly up and down through the rows, by dragging the scrollbar or using the scrollwheel.
5) Watch closely, you can see that periodically, some cells in columns 2, 3 and 4 are empty. They sometimes become filled while other cells become empty, too, depending on how you scroll.
These cells should all be filled; each row should contain the same Integer values in each cell.
To see the correct behaviour, perform step 3 before your perform step 2, i.e. make the stage wide enough for all of the columns BEFORE the columns are setVisible(true). Then the bug doesn't happen.