The custom "Adv Candle Stick Chart" Example in the Ensemble adds a "seriesPath" Path Node in the seriesAdded() method to the plotChildren element but it will not be removed in the corresponding seriesRemoved() method! A fix would be as easy as adding a "getPlotChildren().remove(series.getNode());" call at the end of the seriesRemoved() method.
I think it's important to fix the example because others - like me - might use the example as the base for their own custom chart. In my case I changed the example to a more general BoxPlot and it made me headaches (and new gray hair :-) that some lines simply refused to go away when I was removing/adding new series to the chart.
I think it's important to fix the example because others - like me - might use the example as the base for their own custom chart. In my case I changed the example to a more general BoxPlot and it made me headaches (and new gray hair :-) that some lines simply refused to go away when I was removing/adding new series to the chart.