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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8116637

NullPointerException in JFXPanel$HostContainer$1


      I am using the Infonode docking windows system (http://www.infonode.net - mentioned in RT-14286) to embed JavaFX controls in Swing-based docking windows.

      Closing a tab window often causes the following exception to be thrown:

      Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
      at javafx.embed.swing.JFXPanel$HostContainer$1.run(JFXPanel.java:741)
      at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:251)

      The attached NetBeans project reproduces this exception. You will need the Infonode jar file from

      To have the exception thrown, simply close a tab window by clicking the close button on the tab. (Clicking the close button on a tab group works fine.)

      The results of other select actions are:
      1. Move one tab window into the other group then close either tab -> NPE
      2. Undock one tab window, dock back into window, then close either. -> NPE
      3. Undock one tab window, dock back into window, then close app. -> no problems
      4. Click recreate layout (which closes all individual tab windows) with tab windows open -> NPE
      5. Click recreate layout (which closes all individual tab windows) with no tab windows open -> no problems

      The type of JavaFX control used does seem to make a difference. Since the source code of JFXPanel is not available, I am guessing that JFXPanel expects to have some kind of parent container available that is not.

            ant Anton Tarasov (Inactive)
            mcdevjfx mcdev1 (Inactive)
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