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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8117316

8.0-graphics-scrum-h99: up to -24% performance regression in Controls.ListView and Controls.TableView


      There are following performance regressions in build 8.0-controls-scrum-h57 (comparing to h55):
       Controls.ListView-Keyboard: -6% (-18.25)
       Controls.ListView-Rotate: -23% (-72.85)
       Controls.TableView-MoveRows: -24% (-19.79)
       Controls.TableView-Sort: -24% (-17.06)

      The similar regressions on MacOS at least for Controls.ListView-Rotate benchmark.

      The regressions first appeared in 8.0-controls-scrum-h57 and are against build
      8.0-controls-scrum-h55. There is no build 8.0-controls-scrum-h56 available.
      8.0-controls-scrum-h57 contains a lot of changes, so it is hard to tell which one caused the regression.
      The full list of changes could be found here:

      I can easy reproduce Controls.ListView-Rotate on windows7-high machine (didn't try others).
      JPA analysis shows that the time spent in updateBounds and doLayoutPass has been significantly increased:

       javafx.scene.Node.updateBounds(): 0.006 => 0.139 secs
       javafx.scene.Scene.doLayoutPass(): 0.018 => 2.103 secs

      The total experiment execution time was 20 secs.

      Steps to run Controls.ListView-Rotate benchmark:
      > cd JFX_WS/tests/performance/Controls/
      > ant
      > java -Djavafx.animation.fullspeed=true
             -cp "JFX_HOME/rt/lib/jfxrt.jar;./dist/Controls.jar;../FXBenchmark/dist/FXBenchmark.jar;../../../import/benchmarks-2.1.1/benchmarks-2.1.1.jar"
             jrockit.bm.Main controls.bm.ListViewBenchmark -i 1 -wt 0 -tr 60 -cells 500 -mode rotate -keysPerInjection 250

      Note, you need substitute real path for JavaFX (JFX_WS, JFX_HOME variables).

            msladecek Martin Sládeček
            epavlova Ekaterina Pavlova
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