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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8117357

Memory leak in javafx.scene.web.HTMLEditor


    • web

      There is memory leak in Ensemble "Web -> H T M L Editor" sample.
      ensemble.samples.web.HTMLEditorSample objects are not garbage collected.
      The reason is because com.sun.webpane.platform.WebPage objects are not garbage
      collected and as result hold references to HTMLEditorSample.
      I can easy see from heap dump file that the number of WebPage and HTMLEditorSample increases
      every time we click on HTMLEditorSample sample.

      This also leads to com.sun.javafx.scene.web.skin.ColorPicker$ColorSquare objects growth.
      Running Ensemble reliability test with 72mb fails with OOM after 7 iterations,
      running with 96mb fails with OOM after 14 iterations, running with 128m fails with OOM after 24 iterations.
      The heap occupied by ColorPicker$ColorSquare is the following:
       72mb: 1,200 objects, 3,888,000 retained heap
       96mb: 2,400 objects, 7,776,000 retained heap
       72mb: 4,080 objects, 13,219,200 retained heap

      To reproduce the leak just run Ensemble and click on 'H T M L Editor" sample several times.

            vbaranov Vasiliy Baranov (Inactive)
            epavlova Ekaterina Pavlova
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
