Issue found on windows7 32bit with Chrome, as well as 64bit Mac with Safari, against jre7u6 + fx2.2.
Install latest fx2.2 build from and latest 7u6 build.
Open URL in Chrome(on windows)
if you find the exception in trace : netscape.javascript.JSException: No such slot 1 on JavaScript object, the issue is reproduced.
Expected: there are 2 applets embeded into the page, calling getSlots(1) should return object pointing to second applet.
Source code can be found under:
Install latest fx2.2 build from and latest 7u6 build.
Open URL in Chrome(on windows)
if you find the exception in trace : netscape.javascript.JSException: No such slot 1 on JavaScript object, the issue is reproduced.
Expected: there are 2 applets embeded into the page, calling getSlots(1) should return object pointing to second applet.
Source code can be found under: